Do you have several employees, supervisors or managers that need training (Minimum of 10 employees)?
Have you found it is too costly to send them all to an off-site training session?
Can't afford to have that many employees away from the company at one time?
The Illinois Chamber of Commerce offers on-site training that will save your company 25-30% off individual tuition's prices!
Each class will be taught by Illinois Attorneys or Subject Matter Experts of Illinois and Surrounding Areas. Pick a topic or two, and a date.
We will customize the presentation to what suits you the best. Training Topics Include (But are not limited to) :
- Supervisor/ Management Training
- Employment Law Update
- FMLA, ADA, Military and Other Leave Issues
- Employee Policies and Handbooks
- OSHA Best Practices
- Harassment Training or Train the Trainer
- Workplace Violence Prevention
- AND More!
Please Contact Laurie Silvey to set up your Custom Training today at 217-991-8598 or email at lsilvey@ilchamber.org.